Authentic Expression 08: Trust yourself

10:56 pm on July 31st and I am sitting in my favorite green chair while Baby twists my hair. It is way too late to be two-strand twisting this 4c fro up but we leave for Memphis on Friday so now is the best (only) time.

I have work in the morning but it is in this moment of stillness that I am refreshed. I feel encouraged and rejuvenated - this moment feels reinvigorating. I am reminded that I am connected to the Source, the Divine - always have been and always will be. I am reminded to trust myself, to go within - it is where you will find greatness. Dig deep within and you will find that inner inkling feeling that you know and you have always known to be true - You are good (watch this next part be a lot, lol, but just track here with me). You are crowned. You are loved. You are chosen. What you seek is seeking you. What you desire also desires you. You have everything - all that you need. You have always known which way to go or what route you may need to take. You just have to trust yourself. You have to be courageous and give yourself a turn. The opportunity is there for you to take a chance on you (see, I told you it would be a lot). But trust me, you gotta trust you. It is the way that you are going to be able to get into the flow… so just flow.

[current themes in my life: trust, fluidity, courage, grace, and patience]


Soul Spark: Honoring Me


Authentic Expression 07: PUSHED